” “Yes, Miss Roberts.” “Now, pretty girl, squirt some of that lube on your finger and put iton his asshole.” ... Kristy did as ordered, of course, removing the cap and squeezing thetube so that a wad of the clear thick gel coated her forefinger. She thengot down on her knees behind the submissive ass of the tall schooladministrator and rubbed the lubed finger all over his anus, making itshine in the cool bathroom light. “Put your finger in his. ” It’d been a few hours since I’d allowed them one, apart from the one Berry had stolen and managed to take a couple of puffs from,, even though I’d had a few myself. The cigarette was the deciding factor for both of them. They enthusiastically accepted my challenge.I grabbed a couple of sundresses and slipped them over the bound girls’ heads, settling them in place. I wondered again why I didn’t dress them more often. Some of their clothes, like these sundresses, accentuated their nudity. Massage strokes a fully applied, fists are kneading the soft flesh getting into knotted areas and smoothing them out in an intense sometimes painful but thrilling manner. Oh how you so want to feel that cock in your hand, mouth or mostly in your cunt. To thrill at its hardness intimately joined with you covered in your now freely flowing juices…Once any knot goes the massage becomes more endurable but in a highly erotic way, for the focal point has switched to the cleft of each cheek and also. She said "I can feel him getting smaller" she had a sort of disappointed tone to that. She moved suddenly as I first heard a wet plopping sound, followed quickly by her hand slapping her own pussy hard. She looked at me and said "lay down fast" I didn't even question or think about what she was doing. I just lay on my back. With her had still tight on her vagina, she straddled my head and squatted down with her pussy just half an inch from my mouth. "Open your mouth wide" she said. I did, and.
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