Men were running about the deck screaming at each other. ‘Hold her steady,’ one cried. ‘Get that bloody thing down the mast is going to snap!�...� At that moment she looked up and to her complete surprise the sail was still in place fully erect straining on the mast, the ropes pulled taught hurling the ship into the wild waves. Christina’s heart raced. ‘I don’t want to die!’ she thought. ‘God damn it, get it down!’ she heard the men cry. Another crack rocked the ship, but this time there was no. No! ...' she cried and strove to rise and so dislodge me, but I pressed her firmly down on my thighs and compelled her to remain impaled on my prick, creating a diversion by frigging her harder than ever!!'Kiss me,' I gasped, frantic with lust under my sensations in Alice's bottom and the sight of her naked self in the glass, quivering, palpitating, wriggling!! Quickly Alice pressed her lips on mine, our breaths mingled, our tongues met, my left hand caught hold of one of her breasts and. M...Master. I n...need to d...d...drink your c...cum, p...please." SMACK! SMACK! I flinched as Black Master slapped my face, very hard. "BITCH! Did I tell you to speak? No I fucking did not! You do what I tell you to WHEN I fucking tell you to and you do it RIGHT THEN! DO I MAKE MYSELF FUCKING CLEAR TO YOU, WHORE!?" He accentuated the last words with another harsh slap to my cheeks. I couldn't even see through my teary eyes as I meekly stood up to bend over the arm of the sofa again, exposing. A deer jumped out in front of her and she swerved to miss it. Her SUV turned over and she slid into a ravine. It was a steep drop and she… she didn’t make it.’ She pulled my hand to her face and kissed it. ‘I can tell you really loved her,’ she said. ‘I did, and I still do,’ I said. ‘I honor her memory by living life the way she would want me to. I don’t honor her if I live my life in regret. She loved me and she wanted me to be happy.’ She sobbed a little and held my hand against the soft skin.
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