Mathew had fun forcing them to lift one foot behind them for the beating while trying to balance on the other. Hard enough to do by yourself, but very... challenging tied to another. Their asses were saved for last. The rubber whip did a good job of warming them up, but Mathew needed to feel the sting of his hand as he painted each check to a dark shade of pink. The girls grunted at bit, but never screamed. This pleased their Master. Once he was satisfied with color of the asses, Mathew released. We were the only ones on the elevator and the trip was erotic. We got off at her floor and made it in the door. From that point, it was lewd. We were finally exhausted and drifted off to sleep holding each other after crawling into bed.I woke the next morning feeling good. I went into the kitchen and started the coffee machine. Eve came in and embraced me saying, "I was ravished last night." Against your will?" I asked."Totally and with my willing help. You may do that every night. I loved it. She said "put it on my asshole." so I did and fingered her ass while I did. She bent over on the side of the bed and I got behind her and ramped it in her ass she let out a loud scream and I pulled out until I had 1" in and did it again over and over again for about 4 minutes. Then I sped up and not ramping it as hard as I can and then 4 minutes of that I cummed all in her ass and then she asked " are you done?" I nodded with my dick still in her ass and she said pullout and lick all your cum. Sie hatte ihr Jurastudium gerade erfolgreich beendet und schon klappte es mit der Anstellung in der örtlichen Stadtverwaltung. Welch glücklicher Zufall, dass dort die Stelle des Rechtsamtsleiters als einzigem Volljuristen im Hause neu zu besetzen war und die Oberbürgermeisterin sich an die Tochter der stadtbekannten Unternehmerfamilie erinnerte, die völlig entgegen der Familientradition eine Karriere im Bereich der Rechtswissenschaften gewählt hatte. Marion war eine strebsame Studentin gewesen..
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