"Now, here's something the two of you might findinteresting. At least I did. You see, like the First Version, the Third Version also uses a simplistic..., six stepcreation scenario, that has God kicking back and resting onHis laurels on the seventh step. However, unlike what Itake to be the rather hard to swallow six-day time framescenario that has created such a hullabaloo, both of thearcane texts which I had the opportunity to examine talkedabout six unspecified generations as the timeframe in. .. the curiosity to know what was saved in the card was to strong to pass up so I turned the camera on and set the dial to show the photos taken and as I look there weren't any interesting photos to look at just several black and white photos of random stuff. so I set it to film and from the thumbnails I can tell there were naked people so I clicked on one of the files and it played a video of people having sex. The woman in the video was riding a very thick cock, I mean this dick was soda can. .He's gonna pound me. Kill me. I'm never gonna be the sameagain. I KNEW it wasn't gonna work.My life is over.I was expecting him to yell something like "You're a man?!" but instead he said,"What's wrong, baby?" Clark said pulling his pants up.What? "What do you mean 'What's wrong?!' what happened to me?!" This is my house. Well...I just slipped a lil' something in your drink. Lookslike I didn't slip enough in it. But it's nothing serious...so why not get backin this bed and I'll finish my job?". Nu doe ik dat gratis mits het maar gezellig ;-) wordt. Dus waren het al snel met elkaar eens.Op het afgesproken tijdstip belde ik aan. Een man deed open en nodigde mij uit om binnen te komen. Ik kreeg een plek in de keuken aangewezen en hij vertelde mij waar ik alles kon vinden. Vanuit de keuken had ik zicht op de woonkamer. Daar zat een vrouw op de bank met haar rug naar mij toe. Met de man had ik afgesproken dat als een belletje ging ik naar binnen zou komen om te horen wat hun wensen waren..
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