Er grub seine Finger tief in ihr Hüftfleisch und hielt sie fest. Dann holteer langsam mit der anderen Hand aus, sah Bea noch einmal tief in die Augen...und ließ dann die flache Hand auf ihrem Po explodieren. Erst schlug er hart und konzentriert, immer wieder wechselt zwischen linker und rechter Pobacke. Dann wurden seine Schläge immer zarter und er wechselte auf ihre Oberschenkel. Dann zog er Bea auf den Rücken, trotz der gefesselten Hände. Er griff ihre Nippel und kniff hart hinein und zog sie an. Slobber running to my balls. She really surprised me when she opened my legs to and started to lick my ass. I was self cncious at first and pulled away. "its okay I've always wanted to do this". "you've never licked a guys ass before?" i asked. "nope she said, or had a guy cum inside my ass either so youre helping me with both". She started licking it again but i grew out of it and told her to suck my cock again. Instead she got hopped up and rode my cock. She was good at riding but i couldn't. After sucking down six cigarettesin rapid succession, Sarah and Tom headed for baggageclaim. There they were greeted by a man who recognizedSarah from a picture Dr. Richards had sent him."Hello, are you Sarah Polmoni?" said the man."The one and only," said Sarah."I'm Phil, Phil Morris," he said."As in Philip Morris?" laughed Sarah. "Give me a break." My last name is really Morris. I had my first name legallychanged. I just thought it was a cool idea", said Phil."I'm the head of Philip Morris'. " I said. "So this has to stay just be between you and me." I said as I began to realize the repercussions, if she were to find out. It would be serious."No problem here." He assured me.We found our way back in and she was still lying back against pillows, her legs spread, her mouth slightly parted as her fingers franticly rubbed her clit. It seemed like I had been gone for hours, but knew it had only been a couple of minutes and she didn't miss me at all.I told her that I was back now,.
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