Nothing is more boring than someone passed out drunk unless it is watching a Methuselah tree grow. And the tree would be interesting for longer.So far..., I had learned and pursued lots of extreme sports such as sky-diving, bungee jumping, base jumping, wing-suit flying and many other dangerous activities which no longer threatened to end my now immortal existence. Not fearing death is quite a liberating feeling! I was in Finland currently, to participate in the original Polar Bear plunge, and. It is what it is." Done what so many times?" The seduction. It's all about the seduction. Making somebody want you. Taking control of their mind to the extent that you can have your way with them and their body; making them do anything you want. Meeting a total stranger and within a few hours or sometimes just a few minutes you have managed to get them to have sex with you. It is such a powerful feeling... like sometimes I bet with myself how quickly I can get his cock into my mouth after. ”“I see. So how does this work, exactly, especially with the field being so big? Even from up here there is no way that we’ll be able see the entire field. Not with it being well over six hundred meters long.”“Well, there are two ways to go about that. For Scyftans, like you and I, we can simply change our eyes and that will suffice. For others, special glasses are available that will magnify everything to make it easier to follow. If one doesn’t want to wear the glasses, then the screens are. The masseuse was fully in, with the first push.He held it in for a few seconds, his tool felt so hot and hard. I was bent over and with one hand I was holding my right boob. He started full long strokes, pulling out almost fully with each stroke. I was dripping precum and it was smooth and long strokes for the next 5 minutes.Then he pulled out and made me lay on my back and spread my legs by holding my ankles. He positioned his tool on my hole and couldn’t enter. I held his tool and positioned.
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