. La puerta se abri? lo justopara que se asomara una cabeza. Pertenec?a a una mujer. Era rubia, conlos ojos azules y labios gruesos, y sonre?a.??Puedo... pasar??Est? usted en su casa ?dije con un punto de iron?a amarga?. Encualquier caso ?dije para m??, no estamos en la m?a.Desliz? su cuerpo al interior y cerr? detr?s de s?. Era alta. Al menos,m?s que yo, lo cual tampoco es decir mucho. El pelo rubio le ca?a enorganizados rizos sobre los hombros. Su nariz era peque?a y recta y suscejas ten?an. “Herb here means well, but he can’t keep up at all. Well, at least he couldn’t in the past. I gather now that he could, but I still want to be yours ... and his. Is that possible? I’d share you with all of these ladies. I’d just like you to share me with Herb,” Pamela urged me.“You’d have to share Herb, too. He’s an incubus now. They’re not known as poster boys for fidelity, you know. Demons aren’t the marrying kind, not as a general rule of thumb. Are you ready for that?” Nicki interjected. Somehow, some way you got me in a corner of the casino, alone. I stand like a wallflower, glued to the wall for safety. You put one of your arms on each side of me above my head and ask me what is on my mind. I say nothing what’s on yours? You lean in and brush your lips against mine… Just one of the things that used to make me wild and I have to say it wasn’t any different years later. You stood there for a minute and kept brushing your lips back and forth against mine until I finally gave in. "That dress you got is gonna look so good on you. I'm gonna have to be deflecting motherfuckers left and right all night." "It makes me feel sexy, red makes me feel sexy. Those shoes you picked out are perfect too. Thanks, Jackie." "Don't thank me yet... They might kill your feet, the heel is pretty tall. So what are we saying tonight? Like, when all the bitches are all over me and you start to get jealous?" "Oh puh-leaze, I don't get jealous..." Melanie rolled her eyes. "But you're my.
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