Extremst gespannt wie ein Bogen lag ich auf dem Bett. Noch immer waren meine geröteten Brüste hart und glichen Orangenhälften, gekrönt von ultraha...rten Nippeln. Die Muskeln meines Körpers waren aufs äußerste angespannt.Hendrik gab nicht zu verstehen, ob ihm das reichte. Zumindest verlangte er aber auch nicht mehr. Bedächtig ging er um das Fußende des Bettes herum auf die andere Seite, mich dabei weiter intensiv musternd. Als er schließlich links von mir stand, streckte er seine Hand aus berührte. ..listen...." He said, desperately trying to come up with something tosay."Don't bother," Jacklyn said as Josh let out a howl, his hands shootingdown to his groin. "I have no intention of showing you any mercy."Josh desperately pulled down his shorts and boxers, cursing himself foreven taking the ring off. "Bitch!" he yelled as his dick slowly recededinto his body, his balls coming after. Josh fell to his knees, painradiating throughout his body as his frame shrank, his arms and legsgetting. As I typed a reply to the ad , I felt a stirring in my pants. Mabey today wasn’t going to be another mundane day after all!It was so hard to concentrate at work, I kept checking my phone like it contained the cure for cancer. Nothing. All these dirty thoughts and memories apparently for nothing. Then about noon the email reply came back, panties , or a package deal panties and two custom videos. My first thought was this is probably not someone that I wanted a video of, so I asked for a sample.. "I tried to shift on the sofa... She was starting to get me really excited by 'accidentally' rubbing her arm against my erection. Holly allowed me to shift, then readjust her arm so it again was brushing against my erection. She was really going to tease me."Yeah, so anyway, you let me in and didn't seem to interested in helping me." Holly continued. "I was standing there begging for you to help me and you just sat there and looked at me." I did? Why would I do that?" I asked."Probably because.
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