Plötzlich tippte es mir auf die Schulter und als ich mich umsah, stand ein Mann in Lederoutfit vor mir. Er war knapp 50, hatte etwas Bauch und vom Ty...p her eher Rocker. "Na Junge?" sprach er mich an, "Warum so schüchtern und alleine hier an der Bar? Dein erstes mal?" Ich bejahrte dies. "Und was treibt dich dann hier hin, wenn du nur so passiv an der Theke sitzt?" Komischerweise hatte ich das Gefühl mit ihm reden zu können und erzählte von meinem Streit und dass ich eigentlich ein Paar (naja. .. I love you, Warren. I really do. I vaguely remember something about you banging your stepsister and her boyfriend, but that’s okay. I’ve been cheating, too, you know. I think that I confessed that fact while drunk, didn’t I? Look ... we’ve gotta work something out. I’m ... a slut. I’ve tried not being a slut. Look where that got me!“Clearly, you’re a slut, too, so the only practical solution is for both of us to share. Aren’t we a match made in Hell, right? I can’t ask you to stop being a. He made two mugs and handed one toJosh. They sat at either side of the table and sipped their hot drinks.Joss decided he wouldn't return to university until tomorrow but wouldspend the day with his cross-dressed father-in-law. Gay sex was not a newexperience for him; he'd partaken of the practice several times beforehe'd met Sophie, but this was his first time with a man masquerading as awoman. He'd considered the idea before when visiting drag clubs but hadnot had the opportunity to indulge. His fingers entered her, like an octopus slipping into its den. She began to pant, nauseous from the sensation of being penetrated, of feeling his flesh inside her body. He probed her interior, massaging her insides just as he had done to her breasts. The gentleness made her nerves crackle, like cold water poured on a burn. He explored every spot, searching for areas he had missed so that he might colonize them with his touch. His fingerprints on her insides were like flags planted atop.
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