" You would have to wonder why if it was. Still, mathematics? Engineering? Not what one would normally expect for someone who -- and lets be frank abo...ut this -- someone who is expected to be little more than a trained killer." Well a little bit more than just a trained killer," Dent replied. Hearing his chosen profession described as nothing more than a butcher's job was somewhat unsettling. "A warrior's task to achieve the goal set forth by his employer. Admittedly that often involves combat. You belong to me.” “Yes love I am yours…I am yours.” Pearl sighs giving in to Ann. Ann’s teeth on her neck always make her feel submissive and Pearl’s body starts to relax giving up the fight. She sighs again wanting nothing more than to feel Ann’s touch on her body. “Yeah that’s it baby…you know you want it.” Ann says with a smile. Ann takes her hand and moves it down the front of Pearl’s body, slipping inside her jeans she rubs her pussy feeling Pearl’s wetness even through. She looked up to see Eric standing in the doorway staring hungrily at her. He could see every inch of her ample naked breasts with their predominate nipples. They were raspberry in colour and had hardened in the cool breeze that had fluttered in from Eric's open window. Licking his lips, he wondered what she would do if he licked and sucked on them.His eyes travelled down to her hips and lingered at that moment, Anna had become more than just a next-door neighbour. She was now a beautiful woman. Talk about crap, Nora thought.During Hoover's tenure, the FBI didn't accept women as special agents. Hoover wasn't just a chauvinist, either; he was also a racist. Despite a direct order from Attorney General Robert Kennedy, Hoover adamantly refused to hire women or blacks as special agents. After Hoover's death in 1972, the Bureau eagerly recruited both minorities for the job. Still, women made up less than fifteen percent of the special agents within the Bureau. Because women and blacks were.
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