Отошла на минуту и вернулась в кожанных трусиках без лифчика, в ее руке был пакет. �...�ак она была прекрасна! Вывалив на пол содержимое пакета(штук 15 фалосов) велела выбрать какой нравится. Я взял средний 18 на 4, что вызвало у нее восторг. -даже не пи..ди мне што ты целка! Давай ка вылижи мою киску, а потом займемся твоей! Я впился в ее писечку и лизал ее как мог нежно, она кончила, и я был уже на грани, когда она сказала: -давай на колени сучка, и булки раздвинь руками! Так я и сделал, было. Any injury Iinflict hits me twice as bad. I can't cut her any more than I could severmy own neck. And it's not that I want her to suffer. I want to end hersuffering, but I can't. She is so very fragile and vulnerable, and itbreaks my heart to see her sad. It would be easier if I could truly hateher, but I can't. I love her with every fiber of my heart. But I don'ttreat her like I love her. I keep her locked away, out of sight, in thedark. Where no one can see her, and no one can hurt her, but. Right it was time I lifted the glasses and bottle and went upstairs, neither of the girls were in the bedroom when I entered but Bex’s bag was open on the blanket box at the end of the bed, next to it were an array sex toys, vibes much larger than nics, any al love beads vibrating nipple clamps to name a few and an astonishing amount of lubes and oils.They were still giggling in the ensuite but had left the door open a crack, I couldn’t resist and sneaked over to peer through.I was greeted with. She often flashes them when no one is around, or send the odd picture. When I asked her what her husband would think she replied 'he thinks its hilarious'. I just cannot win. Two weeks ago we all head out for our works do, and Laura messages me saying I might be in luck tonight. I reply back asking what she means, and she then tells me that our colleague, Jay, was asking what to wear and Laura recommended a short dark red dress with black tights. Needless to say I felt rather perky at being.
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