Mathias--a fairly handsome man in his mid-thirties--has knocked the old man out and done the tooth extraction. "Now that the hard part's done," Dr. Ma...thias tells Miranda, "We just have to make sure his dentures are prepped for him properly. Fortunately he'll be out for at least another hour." The doctor heads over to a storage box sitting on the countertop of the small surgical room, about to take the false teeth out to examine them, when his secretary opens the door. "Doctor, I'm sorry...your. She felt the heat from his cock radiating against her and grabbed his ass, pulling him against her.He felt how wet she was and pressed his tip to her swollen pussy, but did not push in.She looked at him with longing in her eyes as he smiled a devil's grin.He moved from her mouth to her neck, ear, kissing and sucking. He slowly worked his way down to her breasts, taking each nipple in his mouth, sucking and licking. He loves it when she moans in pleasure as he sucked hard on each.He moved down. Something they both loved. We ate and visited, laughing about something that had happened in the tire shop a day or 2 back, and she told us about what she had seen at the market that morning. She told me that there was something she wanted to show me when we went together the next time to the market.She, after the dishes were cleaned, and the food put away, so he could take it home with him, told him to come with her and try the clothes she had bought for him. He was totally surprised. Nobody. Alternating this pattern, she was becoming aroused with anticipation, wanting me to continue this little game, but wanting more at the same time.I moved down to her stomach, finding her navel, kissing and licking her soft skin. As she moaned with excitement, I dropped to my knees, finding myself staring at her panties, wet from excitement. Slipping my fingers inside the elastic band, I pulled gently downward, her panties dropping to the ground exposing her bushy mound, wet from her lubricating.
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