' 'That all you can say to me? Come on, you can do better than that. Show some originality.' 'You little scumbag weasel, you're right. I... could do better than that. I could put you in your place, you're so pathetic but you're not worth the effort. You're worthless. You loser.' 'You don't think so? You think so? Whatever, so how about you pinch your nipples? Give yourself a nipple pinch. A really hard one. Use your finger nails. I wanna see some nipple blood.' 'But I. ” My arms are shaking now. Is it the revelation or the memory? I’m stopping here. No way am I going to tell her how hard I came that morning, how I couldn’t sit down for the rest of the weekend. How I came even harder when he did me up the arse that night, hips slapping deliciously against my striped, punished cheeks as he pumped. Nice girls don’t….no, I’m not telling her this. She’s not getting everything. I’ll keep that thing about having my nipples bitten hard to myself. I can’t speak. In my embarrassment I start to move my hand away, he grabs it quickly and puts it back. I meet his gaze, his smile showing me that my shyness is unnecessary. Instantly I am comfortable with being in contact with him. I release my instinctive need to flirt, which I had been containing for the evening, and our conversation turns playful. His hand travels down my bare arm as we laugh and chat, my hand brushing across his knees. As the heat of our bodies travel from one to the other, my thoughts. The best part of it all? The rings that embellished the rest of its body, not just its shoes, were not electric yellow of a typical Umbreon, but blue. Sky, sky blue. A rarity. How lucky can I get? Once I train it, itll sell for oh so much… I thought as I observed it. It bent over, gathering berries. Its skirt was so short, it hiked up as it bent over, revealing black and azure striped panties over a toned, full ass you could probably bounce a PokÃ,Coin off of complete with a jet black.
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