Er rannte zurück, sein Haar klebte an seiner nassen Stirn. Er riss die Türe auf. Sein Radio meldete sich und es wurden fünf Minuten bis zur Detonat...ion angekündigt.Vor Theo stand eine Gruppe junger Frauen. Sie alle waren in mehr oder minder verrückter Kleidung, manche nur in schmutzigen Sachen aus dem Kleiderschrank, manche in fast etwas wie einer Rüstung gekleidet. Theo erhob die Waffe."Schnell, alle Waffen ablegen, ansonsten lasse ich euch nicht rein!" Die Baseballschläger, Gewehre und Rohre. "Says the man, who's carrying a very well sharpened Ushaan-tor," Archer said with a sarcastic chuckle. "What about melée combat, Major?" We've left that to each soldiers preference. Some carry nunchaku others have daggers or batons." Okay," Captain Archer said and turned to address the soldiers. "As you all know, there's no modern technology that works down there. You probably got that already from the somewhat quaint selection of weaponry. That means we have no scanners whatsoever and have to. .Pugsley glanced down, and saw a small "x" chalked onthe walkway ahead of him. He paused, glancing upwithout moving his head. Yes, there... behind thatwindow....A mischievous grin spread over his face. He steppedover the mark.Wednesday released her cord.Swish!The huge blade swung past Pugsley, just brushing theseat of his pants as he hurried forward at a paceslightly faster than normal. He turned and watchedthe razor-sharp battle-ax swing back and forth onthe end of a slender cable over the. . with mine and Janey's.''Well, that was stupid wasn't it?' She grinned evilly. 'That just means I'm on top this time. Come on.'She rolled off and pulled me up. We walked out of the camp and onto a bare patch of soil in the moonlight. Letting go of my hand she walked ahead of me, pulling off her tunic before throwing it to the floor. Pulling away her support tunic and with her arm across her breasts to hide them she turned round to face me.At that moment I'd have given anything to get her to.
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