Guns we shall speak of first, for it is the simpler of the two. Smoke-Powder is a simple alchemical concoction consisting of only three ingredients in... exacting proportions. It is dangerous to make, use and store, but undeniable in its utility. Smoke-Powder burns incredibly hot and quickly, allowing it to, when properly utilized, explode. This has many applications, but the most obvious and important is as the fuel for Firearms and Cannons. Compacted into the barrels of these mighty weapons. Thru the meal, Dan noted she checked on him several times, always with a smile it was her job to be friendly, he got that, but she did seem to give him a bit more attention that the others around her, and he liked that. Finally, at the end of the meal, Dan was careful to give her a very generous tip, quite a bit more than the price of the meal itself, sure to get noticed, and exited the little place, knowing his plan was underway.The next day, his last full day in town, Dan headed to the. Five-thirty could not come quick enough and I knew that if I didn't get out of there right away I would explode. I drove straight to the restaurant and went in. I didn't even make it to the bar when he called to me. SensualSteve was just Steve. Not my normal type of guy in that he was a bit older, about five foot eight with grey hair and kind of chubby. But he wore a noticeably expensive suit and was well groomed; you could tell he came from money. Steve greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the. I loved it. Thanks for doing what I asked you to. Now we have a deal. My body unconsciously relaxed and I felt like I was going to fall, but he was holding me. My nipples erect and tickling while rubbing against his shirt. My chin barely made it to his chest. He was way taller than me. When we are together among other people Im your boss, nothing less, nothing more. When we are alone in a common space Ill be your friend and my only goal will be to make you comfortable, smarter and even more.
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