Un madular viguros, drept, gata sa intre in actiune. Am luat mana sotiei mele de pe gatul meu si am dus-o la pula mea. A inceput sa mi-o frece, iar eu... i-am ridicat un picior, cu bratul sub coaspa ei, iar cu cealata mana am prins pula lui Nicu si am inceput sa-i frec varful de parul pubian al sotiei mele. I-am bagat varful pulii printre buzule de jos si am inceput sa frec lindicul sotiei mele cu varful pulii lui. Privindu-l fix in ochii, l-am intrebat (Nicule, vrei sa-ti simti pula cum intra in. His roar intensified as he pulled off the door and then lifted it into the air before throwing it onto the ground.Once the door was off, he staggered back away from the car and collapsed on the ground as his strength drained from him. The stunned silence was broken when a fireman said, “Jeeeze!”Another fireman said, “I’ll cancel the call for the jaws of life.”Resting on the ground with his knees in the air and crossed arms on the knees, Jerry leaned forward to rest his head upon his arms in a. Suddenly, she called me and said, “Quickly open the door.” I opened my door, and she quietly entered my room. She began ranting about how irresponsible drinkers her friends are and how she had to handle them. I knew exactly what the solution to this problem was.So, I pulled out a bottle of vodka. She got happy seeing it. I poured shots into plastic cups, and we both drank them. It felt like nothing, so I poured another immediately. She didn’t even mind, and we drank two shots back-to-back.“Oh,. Lauren smiled down at her daughter. “Well, you know how I’ve been seeing Peter for quite a while now. Well, Peter and I are going to get married and he’s coming to live with us.”Jimmy looked over at Peter, not in full comprehension, then looked back at his mother. Holly, always in a bright mood, simply asked, “But where’s Peter going to sleep, Mommy? We don’t have any more bedrooms. Is he going to share a room with Jimmy...”“What! No way!” interjected a horrified older brother.“ ... or is he.
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