Then came the first command. “SIT DOWN” She did as she was told immediately the grass felt cold and damp across her burning ass cheeks. Slightly... relieving the burning pain.He pulled out two metal nipple clamps. “Put your arms behind you on the floor, spread your legs arch your back and stick out your tits for me” She did as he said he leaned over grabbed each tit harshly and attached the clamps to each nipple tightly releasing them giving each nipple a painful pinch. He attached a metal. ." Her memories probably stirred her up a bit, I kissed her a tear away... now she smiled back... "My girlfriend wanted to do it in a better way, let that happen, everything... and then... it was terrible to her hurt - you know... after she told me…, she was afraid to be pregnant... if this happened to us, here in our country, in our society, then you can forget everything, then you are nothing but the bitch, everybody's fool... We drove alone up to here, with that boat, we needed some. My long nails stroked the skin,Surely he could not get much bigger, he was already the size of my husband’s cockA quick nervous glance toward my sleeping husband confirmed he was none the wiserMy eyes were fixed onto David's glazed eyesThen my eyes closed as i started to squeeze his hardening cock, then slowly began to pull it for himMy fingers sliding over his gorgeous hardening cockI felt his knob grow harder, and much larger, but i couldn't see under the blanket. I tapped my long nails on. Mills to greet us.“Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Grant. I’m pleased you’ve decidedto join me and I’m looking forward to providing you withthe fulfillment of your darkest fantasies.Our half naked escort left the room closing the doorbehind himself. Mr. Mills continued.“Please, will you sit. Mr. Grant here, and you Mrs.Grant over there.”We sat in the deep plush armchairs in positions severalmeters apart but facing each other. Mr. Mills leanedagainst the high mantelpiece.
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