If any had noticed, none would comprehended the smile which slowly crept its way across the surface of her face. 'The humor of it,' she thought. After... all, in reality, she had been sitting there in that time-worn seat all her adult life, patiently waiting for his arrival. The ambush would soon be over. No more camouflage. No more acting under false pretenses. She had hidden behind the veil of her own obscurity far too long. To hell with the expectations of reality and now to think of it, to. I spent quite a long time in there, but I didn’t think it would be remarked upon especially. It was still fairly early in the morning, so they would all be in bed except my dad, and in fact he might well be tucked up trying to work through jet-lag. Besides, I had often spent a long time showering, since I was especially careful to wash all trace of stain from my unruly bush. I was paranoid that smells would cling to it, so I often went through it several times with soap and water, just to be. Unless you're gonna eat my creampie. Please eat my pussy. I need to cum!"Who could resist that request? I was still tied to the bed. I said, "Please let me taste you."I heard a giggle. Then the bed shifted. I felt some legs begin to straddle me, I began to wonder if this was Donna or my wife.Either way, I couldn't wait.A pair of smooth and muscular thighs, very carefully, enveloped my face. I couldn't miss the ever-present smell of cum. My mouth began to seek out her pussy. This pussy was. She see them start towards her. Now terrified, Angie takes off running in the opposite direction down the street. Thunder cracks with loud bursts and lightning shoots across the night sky as she is startled and trips falling to her hands and knees. She looks up and they are now surrounding her and there's nowhere to run. As two of them start to grab her, suddenly an arm grabs her up in one fail swoop and whisks her into a doorway and out of the rain."You look lost" a man's voice says. "Come.
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