"I replied quietly, shaking my head. "No we're not. In fact when you talk to the authorities you are going to be pretty sure that we talked with heavy... Russian accents."Sydne asked in puzzlement, "Russian?"I nodded. "Many Russian Spetsnaz special forces veterans are in the mercenary job market for operations just like this one."Cerise nodded in understanding as she said, "We will inform the students. Your secret is safe with us."I said quietly, "Thank you. I'm sorry as hell for the damage to. After dessert was served, employees took turns in a white elephant gift exchange. Each chose a wrapped gift from under the tree or took an unwrapped item from the previous person while everyone clapped and yelled jokes. It was pretty wild, it was friendly, and it was Christmas. Daddy started with a $50 gift card, but ended up with a pair of argyle socks. He didn't seem to mind as he laughed hardily, the first time in ages.The evening ended with the CEO passing out bonus checks to the employees. You will feel virtually everything and it will hurt a great deal. Think of it as having supersensitive skin, but of course it goes much deeper than that."I nodded, remembering how much just having blood drawn had hurt. It had seemed like the worst thing in the world. But at the same time..."Your Pain Tolerance, however, is set very high, maxed out in fact. Everything hurts, but your body is able to withstand it to a degree that would far exceed anything I or Nance, or any other normal person. Lulled into docility.And then Chris would supply Cat with everything she needed to go for the kill and thoroughly mold Shinju into a drawing come to life. A drastic transformation to be sure, but Hell leaves no sacrifice unrewarded. Those two, thought Chris with a hungry smile, could become whores fit for the greatest of Hell."Please, Catherine, snap out of it..."Little Shinju sat on the edge of the bed, hands on her lap, knees joined. A far cry from her usual drunken posture. She looked at the.
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