John Kidd, a twenty year old sailor of His Majesty's Royal Navy, by far the youngest sailor aboard the Swallow fired his rifle at one of the pirates w...ho was swinging aboard on a string of rope. He watched with satisfaction as the man dropped into the water between the two ships. The prognosis of the ship couldn't have been good after taking that many cannonballs to the gunwales, but the sailors continued to fight on at the captain's command. "Kidd!" The captain shouted over the sound of swords. "I see the look on mommy's face when she hears my response.I watch as she puts her hands on her hips looking down at me. "So youdon't want your hair cut short like all the boys do, does that mean youwant your hair long like girls have theirs?" Um yea and no. I want to keep my hair long because all the rock stars onTV have long hair, they have lots of friends, and I was thinking thatmight help me make lots of friends mommy!"I feel mommy continue to play with my long hair with her fingers. Okay, so I was a little nervous attempting what I was thinking of."Well, ya never know unless you try right?" I said to myself."Okay, lets do this..." I paused and looked behind me as I stood up, thinking how strange this would be if I were back on Earth."Uhh...Produce a population of human and anthropomorphic women." A moment passed... then I waited another moment."Umm..." I scrunch my eyebrows down wondering- I look behind me, then make my way to the top of the hill, to see if anyone. I couldn't act too happy cause I was ‘straight’, but it was beautiful. How could such a little guy have such a massive cock? Let's say the attraction was definitely increasing. “I can't believe I'm seeing your dick before your girlfriend has.” I said. “Oh, shes seen it. We sext all the time.” “Well she's one lucky girl,” I responded. Javier chimes in with, “Oh, I have a big one too.” Ryan then suggests he proves it, but Javier doesn't want to. We begin to make fun of him, when Nate says he.
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