” “Oh?” “Yeah, it’s hard for me to explain over the phone. What time will you be home?” “Umm, I can get away at half-five. H...ow’s that?” “Perfect. I’ll see you just after. Bye.” “Ok, bye.” I knew she had ended with her usual sly smile, though I could not see it on her face. It was obvious that I was in for another of Tamsin’s surprises. I left the office early. It was Friday and nothing much was happening so I crept out at 5:30 so as to avoid the obligatory trip to the. To reach our pitiful number, one must factor in the devastation of the Great Burn.The Fundi War was not a long, drawn out series of battles. With the weapons that they had at their disposal, the humans of that time were able to wipe out over half of the their population within one year, maybe in as few as three months. The war did not respect national boundaries or moral codes, such as avoiding the death of civilians. In this war, everyone was deemed an enemy of the other.The green dots. I selected additional pairs in the five shades I already had. I now was holding 10 pair of sheer to waist Hanes Ultra Sheer. Dad could see I was enjoying myself and that I had quickly taken to perusing the rack of Hanes pantyhose. “Are you sure you are done? Last chance.” I got so nervous I dropped a couple packets. Dad scooped them up and told me to hand all of them to him.As he held the 10 packets I tried to do the math but kept getting it wrong in my head because I couldn’t think straight.. .. For Deirdre.”Harriet noticed that Siobhan left something unsaid. The light from the lantern was unsteady and deceiving, but still, Harriet was certain that her companion was blushing fiercely. She placed a hand on Siobhan’s arm and the young Irishwoman could not help but gasp and shiver.“Siobhan, do you want to kiss me?” she asked bluntly, but with a gentleness in her voice that encouraged her bedfellow.Siobhan was unable to speak, but she nodded, her eyes riveted on Harriet’s mouth. Harriet.
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