They weren't much different from mine, except the bed was plainer, andinstead of a vanity he had a small writing desk and beside that a largebookcase ...full of books.He went up to the bookcase, and pulled on one of the books. I couldn'tsee the title, but I did notice that the last name of the author was'Carol' - whoever that was.There was a click, and the bookcase swung out, and behind it was a smallroom loaded with dresses, skirts, and all manner of feminine clothes.He began to speak in a low. I protested "No! You're too big! Please, don't!" Yeah, struggle. That's hot!"He continued kissing my neck and rubbing his cock on my ass. Grabbing my face he turned my mouth to him and kissed me long and deep. Probing my mouth with his tongue. It was sexy, and I kissed him back. This went on for ten minutes, his large naked body on top of mine. Gyrating against me, his tongue in my mouth swirling and exploring. He leaned over on his side and grabbed my head with one big hand, pulling my mouth. ‘It happens. I’m going to go see if the doctor is ready for you.’ Before stepping out of my way, he thanked me. I met his gaze for a moment to say ‘You’re welcome,’ and couldn’t help but return his friendly smile. In the back, I let the doctor know what I found before he went to see Reggie and I stayed back to do some phonecalls. A short time later, I went back to the exam room with his discharge paperwork and medications. He stood from the bench and stepped close to me while I went through. Perhaps joining a Gym would help?" I grinned. She put her hand to her mouth as if she could push back the words her eyes opened wide in shock."Sorry. I have no right to say that." Why not?" Only a wife should scold her husband. I am not your wife." No. That's true." I left it there. That wasn't quite a subtle as Jas usually framed her emotional darts. I was amused but didn't show it. Again that would be a conversation that I was not prepared for at the moment. Everything she said reinforced my.
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