My reply read: See you on Friday at noon as arranged. I’ll be wearing a grey double-breasted pin-stripe suit. I wondered if I’d arranged a sexual ...‘meet’ with a clothes faddist.Our only contact had been via an adult chat site. We’d ascertained that we lived within fifty miles of each other, were both married but relished the idea of pleasuring another man through mutual masturbation. It was Alan who suggested the hotel.Perched on a small hill overlooking the market town, the Castle Mount Hotel. —To whom do you belong, said the master, finally deigning to address the pathetic mess before him. —to you, master, this slave belongs to you. —And who decides your fate? —you do, master. —That’s right. So if I say I’ve decided you’re to lose your useless balls, what possible difference do you think begging will make? —master, please forgive me, master. There was a sniveling quality to the boy’s voice. Desperation made it rise several octaves. —Why? He looked down at the feminized little faggot. ‘Have fun, you two!’ and with a fatherly look and a sideways glance I add, ‘Be good!’ As I make my exit, I notice Jake moving in a little closer, and his new friend responding to him. He turns and his broad smile says, ‘Thanks Mike!’ ‘What’s a wingman for?’ I think to myself as I walk out. Over my shoulder, I hear her as Jake, ‘What’s a spinner?’ Back at my place, a crappy dorm room actually, I am just sitting at my small crowded desk, thinking about Gillian. I think about how her hair. ’ She nodded agreement. Once I opened the Pandora’s Box in relation to the elixir, I decided to extend the tour of some of its other contents. ‘There are other side effects besides enhanced mental abilities,’ I continued, ‘The most obvious one you’ve noticed already.’ She raised a knowing eyebrow before commenting, ‘Yeah, the kielbasa you call a dick, which is now about fourteen inches long. This drug is every guy’s wet dream. It turns every chick into a bitch in heat, while making your cock.
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