No children to get in the way. There had been a few who promised her happiness but it was always their happiness and none for her. Her dreams or were never important, never a priority. So she drifted through a lonesome existence wishing for just one person to care if she lived or died; one person who wanted her just for herself. Just one would be enough to give her purpose, to make her feel wanted, to make her feel anything.He sent off his latest tome to be read by people he would never. ?Umm... hi,? she whispered.?Woah, uhh... sorry I thought you were my roommate, Isaac. He didn'tmention his...? Nicolas started to say but his words quickly trailed off.?It is me! I?m Iris!? Iris said feeling uneasy and not understanding whyshe couldn't say ?Isaac?.?O...kay... Nice to meet you...?? Nicolas responded in a very confusedmanner. ?Where's Isaac???I told you, I am him! It's me dude. I read this thing and then I changedinto what you see,? Iris shot back as she looked down at her. Suddenly it turned on a row of sprayers located under its wings. Nicole gasped as the liquid drenched her and the smell of detergent filled the air.The little yellow plane spiraled back up into the air and returned to again spray the edges of the field. He seemed to be concentrating on the fence rows and gullies where there was no crop planted. After several more low passes, he flew away.Nicole groaned out a loud “Eeeww” as the detergent began to soak through the thin costume. Then she heard. She has a soft-aged fair skin with slight freckles on them. She has a very plum body, with large breast that sag slightly due to her age. Her big butt often jiggles through her clothes as she walks. Overall Paulette was a very well composed lady with a charming smile. Due to our work, we often go on a week-long work trip together to different cities. During these work trip we often share stories about our personal life. Our relationship was definitely more than that of a colleague. Paulette.
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