John Kidd, a twenty year old sailor of His Majesty's Royal Navy, by far the youngest sailor aboard the Swallow fired his rifle at one of the pirates w...ho was swinging aboard on a string of rope. He watched with satisfaction as the man dropped into the water between the two ships. The prognosis of the ship couldn't have been good after taking that many cannonballs to the gunwales, but the sailors continued to fight on at the captain's command. "Kidd!" The captain shouted over the sound of swords. I am now too clever for my own good!Third. The SECRET IS SAFE!Fourth, we moved! To the country. A different country, and to a rural setting. Not for evasive purposes, but for privacy. Actually, for psychiatric reasons. A psychopath, a homicidal maniac is on the loose. Me. Distancing myself is necessary for public safety.Fifth. I’m driving. Hahahahahahaha (Interminable peals of hysterical psychotic laughter!) With echo chamber Doppler effects. See what I mean?Weird stuff, like special effects. I decided to go to the bathroom and then perhaps make a quick unnoticed exit. I walked into my friends bedroom knowing about a en suite bathroom that rarely got used. When I walked in Elizabeth was sitting there on the bed. Dressed a little too nice for the party, in the way a younger girl trying to impress a guy does, she looked stunning. Pale skin accented by darker hair. Gorgeous blue eyes. ‘Hey’ she said. ‘Joshua right?’ ‘Yeah – Elizabeth?’ As if I didn’t know. ‘Yeah – sorry – I was just. I understood what she wanted from me so without wasting any time, I put a hand on her theigh and kept her file on her table and i smooched her for like 5 seconds and she was like sir what are you doing?So I said I am not a dumb ass who doesn’t know why you were biting your lips outside the door in a lusty way. So she got impressed by me and my maturity and without wasting anytime I stood her up and smooched her hard by smashing her hard on the wall. And while i was smooching her, with one of my.
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