Pale. Overweight. Ugly. Lonely. Depressed.*We'd got chatting in a bar after I'd accidentally trodden on her toe – both drunk but she more drunk than... me – and admitted towards the end of the evening she'd had a rough time when she had been younger, hinted at abuse.Damaged and vulnerable, I'd concluded as I'd given her my mobile number - my kind of female.I'd met her the next day for a coffee in town and she'd been uglier than I'd recalled: beady little brown eyes too close together set in a. " Well, turn around now," he said. "I had to take Elizabeth's door off of the hinges to get to her. She's talking with her mother now. They're drinking some of that shitty stuff that passes for tea. Her mom is trying to calm her down. Having you come back here and talk to her before you guys go home would do wonders for her." What's going to do wonders for me?" I asked."Don't you start too Alan," he said. "You're the man here. We men are supposed to be tough and make sacrifices for our. .Then my girlfriend said that "oooohhhh somebody has a lot of self confidence!" and then mouzaffar said "yeah! i have everything to have self confidence" and one american girl said "he has the balls" and then every body laughter and then he said "polish girls can find what they don't have in poland!" and we laughed :) then a swedish man said to me : "wow! it is a challenge to you!" and everybody agreed on that. Then the sudanesef man said "let's compare egpytian and polish man! If I win, I will. He was startled by the presence of this beauty so early.“Forgive me, I just got out of the shower. My, my, such personal service,” he grinned, taking the paper from her.She usually wore a blouse and slacks to work, however, this morning she wore her favourite sundress. Dan admired how the white-flowered, blue fabric hugged her shape falling about six inches above the knees. The beautiful profile of her body seemed to bring the flowers to life. Respectful in style for the public, it also gave.
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