You will do as they ask; poor reports will result in severe beatings. The clients have been carefully vetted; they know that you are a captive, an unw...illing participant, so there's no point in your telling them that you are a prisoner. I remind you again to look willing and happy or there will be severe punishments including electrical torture as well as beatings." Weekends will remain group sessions. Understood? Well?"I shrugged my shoulders, hung my head, said, "Yes."Sunday night after the. Futhermore there exist strong protections against any form of discrimination. Thanks to these changes African Americans thrive in every profession and part of American life. There have been three African American presidents. The current president Lauren Leanne Royson is also a black woman.People are allowed to express their discomfort with this situation. But at the end of the day most Americans live their lifes telling themselves that these “synths” are not human and can therefore be treated. ? This was not the mother of thetwo year old son which she knew she would never again see.? ?This22 year old woman was sultry, lithe, and alive as she had never been.? She put her leg down, her twenty minute longroutine at an end.? With sweat drippingoff of her nose, hands, and legs, she walked wearily but confidently from thestage.?? Many of the men were clappingand yelling while a few wrote something down or made voice notes into taperecorders and cell phones.? She hopedthey were writing good. With beauty mark or not for her age she’s about 48ish maybe 50ish Ms. Is HOT!! She’s very sophisticate“Hello, there MsJ” I caught her as she’s opening the door and walking out of her office, and walking down the ramp. OH MY GOD there goes that walk that killer hypnotized walk that she does at the beat of my heart. ‘MMMMM”” I don’t care how old she is Ms. J got a going on.””’The way she walks her form is perfection! Finesse. Not over exaggerated but natural but she has them swings to the hip.
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