‘Hey, there’s the turning!’ -oOo- He pulled off the narrow lane, onto the grass verge, about twenty yards beyond a set of large, wrought-iron ga...tes. ‘Wait here!’ he hissed, giving her knee an affectionate squeeze. ‘I’m going to go check the place out!’ ‘Be careful, Mike!’ she whispered, then on a sudden impulse, leant over and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. ‘I will!’ He grinned and slipped out of the car, and casually strolled back toward the gates. Five minutes later, he was back. He. "I loved it, you should be proud of how your body works. You and Amy give me so much." They both looked pleased with that.I spoiled it by telling them that I was going to return them to their school and get ready for the end of the weekend and a return to work. They protested but I decided to be definite, they couldn't live with me, not until I could get the other parts of my life sorted anyway.I had a sudden idea and asked them to lay down with me. They thought I meant to start on them again. Lisa gasped in sheer shock and surprise.The other man then felt around behind her back to the zip of her skirt and began to lower it, the lining of her skirt sliding slowly down her sheer stockings until it fell silently to the floor, then her blouse was parted and gasps of pleasure were heard from the group as they saw her delicate lacy white bra and the small pert breasts concealed beneath.Hands caressed her slender firm waist, enjoying her porcelain smooth, white skin.Lisa struggled against. I soon felt a very hard and thick cock stretching my pussy lips from behind. This second man was a huge black one; he grabbed my hips firmly and pushed into me even harder.I was in Heaven, as he began picking up his pace, slamming his dick so hard into my hungry wet cunt. Another three guys there were urging him, since all of them wanted to be next…A few seconds later the black guy grunted behind me and I felt his throbbing cock exploding inside my satisfied cunt. He stopped humping me and I.
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