Als Lady musste ich mich umnichts bemuehen. Ich sah ihn an der Theke die Order aufgeben unddann in Richtung Toiletten verschwinden. Waehrend ich mich ...umeine Zigarette bemuehte, liess ich meinen Blick durch das Lokalschweifen. - Offensichtlich hatte niemand Notiz von mirgenommen, obwohl es mir egal war, denn schliesslich warFasching, da wuerde nichts passieren, selbst wenn mich jemandals Mann erkannte.Zum Glueck lag ein Paeckchen Streichhoelzer am Tisch, welchesich nach Gebrauch sofort in meiner. Sure enough, the passenger is down in the wheel well and has leaned over and is sucking the driver's cock. They have not seen me yet and I freeze, except for my staring eyes of course which blink in wonderment and surprise. The passenger has established a very fast paced rhythm on the driver's cock. Most of his cock is in his mouth and I don't get to see the tip until he takes it out for a moment and licks all around the cut tip and up and down the top of the shaft. He engulfs it once more &. I sat back to listen to the talk, technology now sorted.An hour later, I was pretty much first out the room, ignoring the coffee and biscuits to join the growing huddle of smokers by the door - this really was just like being a student again. Conversation was desultory; I said a brief hello to a few of the people I knew, however vaguely, but kept out of the general discourse: They were mainly slagging off the morning speakers and as I was due to speak myself just after the break I didn't really. “Yes,” Jay said. “We’ve talked about that. I heard the horror stories about right here in the USA when storms took down the communications and people couldn’t use their credit cards and the ATMs wouldn’t work to give ‘em cash. We’re sort of hedging our bets on all those.”“Gotta keep a big lump in investments,” I said. “Live money makes money.”“I understand the thoughts behind your ideas,” Randall said. “We can work with that.”“Good,” Jay said. “Now, next trip, we’re bringing the little gold.
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