Enjoy! Subdued_Passion —— ‘What the hell did you think you were doing?’ He slammed me hard against the wall. I doubt he realised he was hurtin...g me. He was just so mad. ‘Answer me!’ What was I going to say? That I was scared or uncertain? I mean, I was still trying to understand it all myself, so what kind of explanation was I supposed to offer him. ‘Max please, I said I’m sorry.’ I whimpered. He seemed unaffected. The rage emanating from his big and strong body felt real enough to scorch me.. He has a view of the front of the building and, from the side, out to the east and over the city of Sydney while she has the same side view and one to the north of them. The buildings are on a ridge which is a bit over a hundred metres above sea-level, thus the residents are much higher than most of the city and they have a good view of the city when looking out. Those on the top floors are about another thirty metres higher and have a much better view than the lower floor residents.Ernie picks. “Actually, it’s to determine if you’ll be invited to be part of a focus group.” she said happily.As a dyed-in-the-wool loser I was intimately familiar with what focus groups did. Focus groups decided what people liked. That was a crock, of course, since people like different things. What focus groups did was tell ‘normal’ people what they were supposed to like, whether they did or not. It was all part of the marketing strategy of big companies who had some worthless product that some winner. Gathering her nerves to help her through the shyness, she whispered in a tense voice, "Here I am sir. As you ordered."He commanded, "Good. Come here my pet". He sat on the bed. He grabbed her. And told her."I want to spank you the number of times equal to your age you are turning today. I want to train you in taking spanking like a good slave. And I want you to thank me for each spanking you recieve. And I want you over my knees now."Spanking was not new to her. Every now and then whenever the.
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