Three farms, three rams, and we were finished! It should be said, at each goodbye, tears were shed not just by mother and me, but the rams also... jus...t another proof to me that they were unlike any before them, but from them will come many like them! I also firmly believe on that midnight encounter, the Great Ram looked in my eyes and knew I was who he was looking for to disseminate his offspring thruout the world. YES! I take full credit, or blame, for that... proudly! Now, I regress in my. I need it so bad," she said with thatadorable little voice, it warbled slightly when she talked, but he wasn'tconcerned about that.Standing up, she stood only to about his chest. Her hips were juttedoutwards, and she hooked her skirt upwards, pulling her panties down.Still her crotch was hidden from him, and she worked to unbutton her top.He was surprised at how flat she was. Her nipples were round, with alight pink color. They stood out in erect little nubs that went out intothe air. And yet. Rae walked in a few minutes after him. He looked her up and down beforemaking himself known to her. She was wearing a low cut top and jeans, andof course she looked good, as always. Now that he had seen her naked hewas able to imagine her so much more clearly. He shook his head, tryingto keep himself focused. That wasn't what he was here for. She hadalready been subjected to enough at Dan's hands. After he checked her outhe waved at her and she came over to sit down."Hey Rae, how ya doing?" I'm. Well, one thing led to another and before we realized it, we were back in their bedroom, clothing s**ttered all around us, and we all fell in the bed and things began happening. It was wonderful. I've never been with a woman who could get me to cum by just licking and biting on my nipples before, but LuAnn was the first and both of us, Kaneda and me, have enjoyed many wonderful times with both of them." She reached out with her left hand and began to stroke up and down my right leg, and I.
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