Tom kept licking and she couldn’t stop cumming. It was so great! The tingling rush wouldn’t stop and her clit was so sensitive, even the air could... make her cum now. “Tom,” She said, panting. “Oh my god that was wonderful! Fucking fantastic baby!” She sat herself up on her elbows and looked down at him. “Tom, you can lift your head up hun?” She said with a slight giggle. As Tom lifted his head, Emily saw it shine. His face was soaked! Even with her panties on! “Baby that was great! Oh but I’m. Mark had designed new lights for them using a technology that Jean didn’t know and cycled them on and off to simulate sunlight. The new crystal formations were coming along nicely despite the light over the gardens. The bugs had spread even faster than Mark expected and had been very busy.The bugs loved the mineral rich air and not too much heat. Jean’s herbs and other green leafed vegetables did too, so they were not that worried about not having good food to eat once they were snowed in.Mark. " Will I be able to wear earrings just like yours mummy?" asked Lucypointing at the small pearl and diamond earrings that Tamara wassporting dangling from her own ears."Not at first as your ears will need to heal around the posts buteventually yes, I'll even let you have these ones to wear if youlike." Lucy touched the earrings hanging from her mums ears."Do they feel funny mummy?" Not anymore, I've been wearing earrings for so long now that I thinkit would feel wrong if they weren't there.". Karen had her fun, slipping her tits from her dress and a hand exploring between her legs. She moved more to her left and guided Dan’s hand between her legs. “I’m glad the Maxima has an automatic transmission, so you can keep fingering my pussy.” She pulled down the zipper on his jeans and began to fondle his cock.“I’m surprised you aren’t giving me a blow job as Wendy did.”“I’ve got plans for your cock when we get home. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it,” she replied giving him that wicked smile.They.
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