2. The Mastershave all rights and no obligations. 3. The slave isjust another object for use when and how it may please them. 4. The Maste...rsneed no excuse to torture the slave. 5. The Mastersenforcing corporal punishment must use all their force, since the slavealways shows more pain than he is really suffering.???????????????????????????????????????????? 6. The Masterstake pleasure on making the slave suffer, the more pain for the slave themore pleasure for the Masters. 7. . My penis was losing its enthusiasm. “These will do the trick; you can take one home with you. You can then discipline him whenever you wish it can be the start of your punishment collection. I will send you a few links to useful sites, so you can start purchasing your own instruments. You should buy a tawse, a paddle and maybe even some butt plugs. A gag may prove useful as he does get a bit noisy under punishment. The cane however will always be my favourite. It does sound so wonderful and. He headed to one of his favorite pick up spots. He liked this place because it was frequented by women who were out looking for a bit of extra marital fun while husbands were away on business trips. When the cats away and all that. She entered and he locked on to her stright away. Long light summer dress, large tote bag slung over her shoulder. As she moved acrossed the room she turned almost every male head in the place. She walked to the bar, slid up on to a stool five spaces away from him. Then I felt the need to ask her permission for something."May I kiss you, Tiffany?" I asked softly.She just smiled a little wider, so I leaned over to her, and kissed her. We made out for a few minutes, and she eventually pulled me to her. I eventually got on top of her, as she laid down flat on her back, and we both wrapped our arms around each other. We kept our lips together, and stayed in that position for about ten minutes straight. Then she looked at me with some lusty eyes."I think it's.
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