White would be joining us for Friday night for dinner with somespecial news. I had forgotten about her saying yesterday that she wouldcheck in on me ...later but maybe she came over while I was asleep on thecouch. Anyway, I had a lot of questions to ask her about all the ruleshere and when I would be starting my new job. And the big question ofcourse is what is it with all the pink and lavender around here. But Ihad to admit it was starting to grow on me as I gazed at the twobeauties across. She didn't have long to wait before her luscious body was discovered by other male eyes who were not as shy as the boy in the drugstore."Hey, Charley! Want a ride home?"The brunette could still remember the afternoon Raymond Brock stopped his car alongside her as she walked home from school. Ray was one boy who was tall enough to make her feel tiny. The huge young man had a terrible reputation around the community, but Charley didn't really care, not at that moment. She was being offered a ride. We stood up with him behind me. He lifted my hair away from the back ofmy dress and slowly pulled the zipper of my dress down. He then cameround to face me and eased the dress down over my arms and let it dropto the floor. That really is a sexy blouse he said but I think what'sunderneath is even sexier. He undid the cuff buttons and then took astep closer. I looked up into his eyes suddenly aware that he was a goodsix inches taller than me and this made me feel so feminine and dare Isay. However, as he listened closely for any noise he realized that everything seemed oddly quiet. He walked out of the kitchen, heading to their bedroom, but when he opened the door, all he got was the aroma of her sweet perfume lingering in the air. He sat on the bed, wondering where she could be, he had hoped to make up with her but she was out, and he had no clue where he could possibly find her, he would just have to sit and wait. It was getting close to midnight and Marcela still hadn’t come.
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