: : im off : lazy day : do you mean real sex? : lie in my bed, chat with you : maybe ,-) : you are nice lol : so you like sex but dont like to do it ...on cam? : oh… see on pornsites, there is a category for webcamsex…not with me : i know this category. so you are saying you dont like it? : sorry for so much questions : i am just trying to understand : i dont want to see myself there… : you wont be there : where do you live? : whats your job here? : near cologne : i have my own bussiness in. After achieving a lot of success in sales, I have built wealth that most men my age only dream of. I am not a millionaire but I do make a lot of money. My wife quit her job simply because she did not want the stress. Her job is essentially to manage the finances and keep the house clean. Her friend owns a head shop and one day Amy came home with some of this stuff called K2 summit. I cannot smoke weed due to my job but this stuff is evidently not detectable on a drug test. Amy had never smoked. As she moves her hands down she covers his cock with her mouth. Her hands and mouth work as one going up and down. She can taste herself on his cock and it only aids her excitement. She begins to taste his precum and she stops sucking. She doesn’t want him to come yet. She moves off him and lies beside him and pulls him onto her. He kisses her neck and then quickly goes to work on her breasts. Sucking them, licking them and biting them. She knows how much he loves this. His hard cock is. This time mary and i went here to find new toys, got there way to early, guess folks dont want to party till midnight here. mary and i were about to go upstairs to do some pussy eating when joe came over. men are full of bravado and such around their buddies but they are actually quite shy and c***dish at a swingers club where there are strong mindedwomen looking for some fucking. joe sat down and we had some friendly conversation but we were growing bored, so i told joe i was goin upstairs to.
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