" Or energy drinks. We need to find out if they all use the same brand of isotonic energy replacement fluid. If so, who supplies them. Batch numbers, ...stuff like that. You can do most of the leg-work on the phone." I can?" A male voice carries so much more conviction, old chap. Still, all that's for tomorrow. Let's wheel in the ball-girl..." Hello! My name's Dr Fay Lewis and this dear old gentleman is Dr Wallace."The girl cast an apprehensive glance at the older gentleman. Her parents had warned. Maybe my advisor can give me an idea of what to do. He's one of the people I have to check in with today anyway so he'll have to be my next stop. I'm pretty sure he isn't going to be too sympathetic though. First he's going to tell me I have to take the class when it is given then he's going to tell me if I don't want the class and the program it's connected to there are a lot of other students that are willing to do whatever it takes to get the scholarship money I'm getting. I'm going to have. Kay said she was going first, but would only let Buddy lick her since she didn’t want to take a chance of anything interfering with their efforts to get pregnant. She opened her robe revealing her tits and slid her butt to the edge of the couch and called Buddy. He was there in a flash, nosing her crotch, licking her pussy. It didn’t dawn on me at the time, but it didn’t seem to be his first time between her legs. She let out a long low moan, telling me to play with her tits, I got on my knees. David loved seeing Laura smiling, and he was well aware of what it was that was causing her to smile...and that merely added to the over all level of excitement and anticipation her was feeling as well as Laura.Twelve hours later---David woke up next to Laura. It was just starting to get light. Laura was still asleep. He raised himself up on one elbow and looked at her sleeping face, and listened to her soft, quiet breathing. As he did, his mind was flooded by a barrage of images from the night.
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