"Shut it." Victoria cuts her off. "You were sentenced to 5 years here and that's that. It ain't my job to convict, it's my job to make sure ya'll don'...t kill each other in there." She leans in now "And as long as that don't happen, I don't care what else does..." Emily is quiet now. She realizes it's best to just listen."Now, this is an all female prison, guards and inmates a like, so you won't be seeing a cock for miles. That's the good news, men are no good no how...But don't let that get you. " I sat stunned by his comment and was totally confused. Why did he bring that up to me? Why now?"What do you think she'll do if she gets pregnant?" I asked taking another bite."She'll have it. I'll make sure she does."I stared across the table at him wondering what he was up to. I didn't know him that well but from what I could see he wasn't the fatherly type and was too selfish to really want a baby."Why do you want a baby?" I blurted out not really expecting an answer. He looked at me for. Day one arrived, and Allie and Chad arrived after us and after set up they joined us outside for some adult beverages. We were only one beverage in when Allie started talking about how sexy her husband found me. She was going on and on about how attractive he found me, and without breaking stride, she looked at my husband and asked him what if her husband couldn’t resist his urges.My husband’s reply was perfect. He simply said, “It sounds like we are going to have a party”.Allie started to. .." Never thought I'd have a boyfriend? Neither did I, but there he is and he won't hurt you. Tony would never do anything to hurt one of my friends and certainly not my family." But he grabbed us!" Cheri, have you noticed anything different about me, other than the whole boyfriend thing? Like, maybe that I'm walking on my own now?" Yeah, that's so cool!" Well I can. My knees are better but I never learned to walk normally growing up. My balance sucks. I've almost fallen down so many times in.
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