Not the cabin—that was somewhere close by—but his home. I'd never seen such splendor! The house is a tri-level with the rear portion sunk into the... hill behind it. It had five bedrooms and four and a half baths, a fireplace big enough to barbeque a pig, and a four-car garage. The kitchen was the most modern thing I'd ever seen, and the rec room/den had a pool table.I've met Corey and Lana, and they are tickled pink that their dad 'caught himself a hot chick'. Their words, not mine. Lana looks at. When she started dating him she had a talk with her mother, Marie, who got her started on birth control pills. But, even with the pill, she still had her boyfriend use condoms for STD prevention. I was the first person who had cum inside her without a condom, only because she trusted me to be clean. She told me that the feeling of my cum added to the pleasure and that is why she wanted sex so much. "You are the first man to treat me like a real women and was caring about my feelings and making. As I ring the bell my cock twitches for you.............and as the door opens my heart always skips to see what you wear..............Today you wear an A line skirt with hosiery which is tan.Your glasses are as normal although your hair today is tied up giving you a srtict look. I like it.As I survey you the shoes are out of context with low heels and flat.......We smile and you invite me into your study.We sit down as we did only a short time before. You tell me my concentration was not at the. Instead, I mutter something about sodomy,and am favored by the most delicious whimpers possible from a full, workingmouth. Reluctantly, I pull out of this warm moist refuge, leaving it open to hearthe steady entreatments and pleas for "mercy" and "gentleness…soundsthat only make a bastard harder. The plug has done it's job, and it comes out next, prolonging her beautifulcries. "Don't fret little one" I soothe, "you'll come to love thisin time." It may sound like a line from a bad movie, but.
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