Afterward, they wept together for his loss, kneeling in the cold, freshly turned earth.Once they had Greta out of the house and under the ground, they... opened all the windows and cleaned the house thoroughly with strong cleansers they found in the storage room. They burned the bedding she had died in, outside. When they were finished, the only things that smelled bad were Béla and Jeff.Béla walked around outside while Jeff showered. She looked up at the roof, examining the water heater. It was. Under her cool exterior, the assistant principal was as almost uptight as the young man, but for different reasons. She had decided she had to find out exactly how good a lover Bobby was. It had been a long time since she’d been to bed with a man and the boy sitting across her desk from her, although he didn’t know it yet, was about to be the beneficiary of her decision to end her long period of abstinence from males. It seemed like he’d been sitting there for ages, but was only a few minutes,. She walked to her bedroom door, took a deep breath, opened the door and walked down the hallway, past Greg's bedroom door then downstairs to the kitchen. She thought if he's truly interested in my looks, he won't be able to resist, he'll come downstairs to be with me. Let the teasing begin!!As the kettle heated up, she thought maybe I'm exposing a little too much. She tried to pull the skimpy night shirt down to cover her butt at least, all that did was make her ample breasts almost explode. " I muttered under my breath in disbelief. I had a quick read through and the Professor was out for an appointment or something. I didn't really care. I rushed over to my drawer and took out the two boxes and ripped them open, unable to contain my excitement. I gave them a quick rinse, running my hands along the shafts, tracing the veins and feeling the bulbous heads, wondering how I will fit them inside of me. I grabbed my towel and spread it out on the bed and set things up while the dildos.
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