Remember that herd of cattle passing through? They had drovers. And the drovers must have finished for the day ... because all of ‘em assaulted the ...porch of the Inn. Some of them were quite rude about it. There was a passel of ‘em, too.There was a lot of Yahooin’ and shoving ... and that was before they got in the door. In the melee, the rags and I ended up in the street ... well ... off the end of the Inn’s boardwalk ... on the dirt closer to the stables. There was a lot of thumping. .. The Party’s Over,It’s time to call it a day.They have burst your pretty balloonand taken the moon away.It’s time to windup the masquerade.Just make your mind upthe piper must be paid.We all applauded, as she sat down. Harold took her hand and squeezed it. I saw a tear on his face, but he brushed it off.“Wow, that was beautiful Clara. Really something beautiful,” I said.“In April, we would put on a show of our own from the ‘50s called TAKE ME ALONG,” my girl offered to the group.She sang.... ’ ‘Thank you, Miss Angela,’ Kate warmly told her, ‘You’re very pretty yourself.’ ‘Thank you, Miss Kate,’ Angela preciously replied, ‘I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but I think Mark’s very handsome, and one day I hope I can find a guy just like him.’ ‘I think you’re a very sweet young lady,’ Kate tenderly smiled, ‘And you can call me just plain old Kate.’ ‘Thank you, Kate,’ Angela sweetly replied, ‘Would you guys care if I came to visit ya’ll from time to time?’ ‘Of course not, baby. Clothilde saw the problem and with a shake of her head took it from me and tied it within thirty seconds. I was ready. She took me to the balcony and I walked towards the table I had used before."Non, non." She cried. "Vous vous asseyez ici ce soir." She showed me to a table that was right against the wall where the balcony ended. As the balcony curved it actually gave me a much better view of the auditorium.The evening progressed much as it had before. The meal served while the pre-cabaret.
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