The jeweller's fingers hovered over the tray and then picked out a medium sized sapphire surrounded by diamonds. The sapphire was quite a dark one and... did indeed match Victoria's eyes. He handed it to Mark."Your duty to put it on, Sir," he said smiling.Victoria blushed and her eyes fastened on Mark's. He slipped the ring on her finger."That's lovely," he said.Victoria looked down. Her eyes filled and she nodded mutely."Don't make your mind up yet," said the jeweller. "Try this."He handed Mark a. .. ανέβαινε το πιπινάκι ξεσκιζότανε ...μια εγώ μια αυτή!!!Μέσα στην καυλα μου ζήτησα απο το μωρό μου να στήσει την χερούκλα του για να καρφωθώ!! Γουστάρω πολύ το φίστινγκ, γεμίζει η μουνάρα μου καυτά ζουμιά!! "Σκίσε με" του φώναζα και ξεσκιζόμουνα στην χερούκλα του ενω το πιπινάκι ξεσκιζότανε στην γκαυλάρα του!! Το μωρό μου όμως ήθελε να βιώσω και την εμπειρία απο το γυναικείο χεράκι! Ξάπλωσα στο κρεβάτι και έβαλε το πιπινάκι το χέρι του στην μουναρα μου...μέσα έξω...μέσα έξω. "Βάλε και τα δυο. I never heard my wife talking like that when fucking, she is saying different sexy words like blast my pussy with your gun etc. They done like that for 15 min. after that my wife is said to my friend lay down on sofa. Now she came on top of my friend she started to sucking his rod again he is sucking her pussy now both of them are in 69 angle they done like that for 10min, then my wife inserted his rod on her pussy and started moving on him same time my friend is sucking her boobs with mouth. Frustrated, she started hitting the backside of the TV hoping to fix the problem.The little boy heard the doorbell ring, so he hurried to open the door and there stood Grandma’s minister. The minister said, ‘Hello son, is your Grandma home?’The little boy replied, ‘Yeah, she’s in the bedroom bangin’ her boyfriend.’The minister fainted.Now, that’s funny ... I don’t care WHO you areOne for All the Old Codgers!!!!There was a family gathering, with all generations around the table.Mischievous.
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