As he pulled away, I saw the girls’ contorted faces. ‘You having some problem there?’ ‘Sort of.’ He glanced at me. ‘They wouldn’t like h...aving competition like you around. You’re the best looking thing I’ve ever seen on this corner. Just like you stepped out that Victoria’s Secret catalog.’ I had been so eager to get away from those girls that I had forgotten what was really happening. I was about to have sex with this man for money. I had seen girls working the street in various cities and. ..again. It no longer seemed strange or odd to be doing this. It seemed only natural and desirable to even consider having sex with my father What am I saying? It's sick! It's so wrong to want to have sex with your parent. But I had to tell myself I no longer felt that way. Seeing my fathers naked form in front of me, knowing exactly what we were here to do, no longer felt strange or sick to me. It felt sexy, alive, desirable.In the den we had one of those big 'L' shaped couches. I turned and. "We were afraid you'd had too much. How do you feel?"The girl could not answer. She tried to focus on his face. She turned her head and saw that the men and women in the room had gathered near the stage in a close semi-circle, their eyes bearing excitedly down on her naked flesh. They were still fondling each other and some of the leering faces were familiar. Martin was with one of the other women and his wife gently stroked Peter's hanging penis as he talked with her.Janet looked for Greg. He. It’s like Nancy said, like too dangerous. If we’re not all in then look let’s just drop it, OK?’ ‘Look, Kyle, Nancy and I are here because you’ve persuaded us. If it’s cool with you that we who aren’t your friends should be talked into doing porn but someone who’s in the project doesn’t have to just because she is your friend, then I don’t think that’s treating us with any sort of respect. What I think you have to do now is I think you have to talk to Gretchen. And when you’ve done that we’ll.
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