As I met with the battery captains, I was able to get a sense of what had happened.After the attack on Sinjar, the Syrians had used their planes, bombing other innocent civilians. At that point the 1st Artillery began exacting a certain measure of revenge, destroying several Syrian artillery positions, as well as anybody else they could smack. This pissed off the Syrians, and since they were getting nowhere with hitting us with their own artillery, they decided to send their Air Force. *Ah, tervetuloa takaisin! Sep?s oli erinomaisen eroottinen esitys jatuoreen raikasta tarinaa, eik?s? Jatketaan juonta nyt kun on alkuunp??sty... Mielenkiinnolla katselin kuinka kaunis kaksikko peseytyirankan ratsastuksen j?lkeen mutta harmikseni pesutilassa ei tapahtunutmuuta mielt? kutkuttavaa toimintaa. Pettymykseni korvattiin kaksinverroin n?hdess?ni blondin vet?v?n punap??t? per?ss??n kohti punaistenlakanoiden peitt?m?? patjaa. Mutta eih?n t?ss? mit??n selostustatarvita, onhan teill?kin. Ann noticed he spoke very good English with a barely noticeable foreign hint of an accent that she could not quite place but he also had the habit of ending his sentences with ‘yes’.“So you have been evacuated here from London with the boys. I saw your train arrive a few days ago. Someone told me there are French masters as well. Let’s hope their country will be free again soon.”Peter was quick to pick up her thread.“Yes, there are a number of foreigners among the staff. We are pleased to be in. I found it delicious. I must say in looking back over many years, that lunch, in the soft spring air, the boats gliding by on the Seine with simple bread, cheese, and pears all washed down with a red country wine in the company of a delightful young woman was one of the most memorable meals I have had occasion to enjoy.I felt as if I was French for we shifted to French at my request as I asked her to help with my speech. She was complimentary, even though she did say I had a pronounced English.
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