Now, even that dim hope was smashed. She had been tricked into drinking something that was an aphrodisiac; pernod, he had called it. Dear God! Now, I ...won't be able to help myself... at a-all! I-I'll be completely at his mercy!Don Scott had been pretty sure that it was absinthe pernod that Ray had given his sister. He knew very little about it himself, except the fact that it had been outlawed almost every place in the world. "Where'd your old man get that stuff, Ray?" Connections, man! You got. “Bring us some fresh juice. He has done really hard work today,” I said with a little laugh. “Yes, Ma’am,” Rose replied and left. “Come here!” I looked at Ronald. Ronald came near me and I pulled him onto me. I dropped the cigarette in the ashtray and pulled Ronald’s head between my boobs. “Suck my boobs,” I said. Ronald obeyed my order and started sucking on my boobs. Rose came in with two glasses of juices. “Hmm…” I moaned and looked at Rose. Rose took her time in putting down the glasses on. A tall black guy had soon taken position and was fucking Jaq for all he was worth, the next creampie was soon added to the first. Jaq looked at me and beckoned me over, asking me to clean her cum filled hole. I had cleaned Jaq up on many occasions but not in front of a big group of guys. Jaq was very persuasive and I was soon between her legs licking away at her cum filled pussy.I was really enjoying this now and made sure I licked up every last drop of cum as she had her next orgasm. This went. Her blond hair was pinned up haphazardly, probably because of the heat. Pieces continued to fall around her face. I judged her hair to be about shoulder length. A good length, much longer and it starts getting in the way, shorter and there isn’t enough to sink your hands into. Ohhhhhkay. Back to reality. She may have had womanly curves but she was still about 30 years younger than me, so that was really just my horny mind running on overtime. She walked past me and before I could stop myself,.
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