She listened to see if her friend was possibly in the shower but she heard no water. But there was a sound. She couldn't quite tell what it was so she... went upstairs to her friends bedroom and knocked softly, No answer. She put her ear to the door and listened. After several long seconds she could hear something. It sounded like faint moaning.Kaitlynn grinned, "Iris must be fucking herself." She thought but upon opening the door she saw Iris was definately not fucking herself. But someone was. "Where should we go?" I asked."Let's go to my house. We should be able to talk there," she suggested.I parked in the street in front of her house, and we walked around to the back door and entered. There didn't seem to be anybody else home, which suited me just fine. The fewer people who knew I was here the better I liked it."My parents both work," she said apologetically. "I don't have any brothers or sisters, so I've been kind of a latchkey kid my whole life. Do you want a Coke or something?". .Το ραντεβού μας αυτήν την φορά ήταν κλεισμένο για Πέμπτη απόγευμα! Όπως κάθε φορά περίμενα με μεγάλη λαχτάρα να συναντήσω τον μοναδικό μου έρωτα!! Πέρασε τόσος καιρός και όμως όταν άνοιξε την πόρτα και τον είδα μου κόπηκαν τα πόδια! Αρχισε να με φιλάει στα χείλη μου, στον λαιμό μου, να με χουφτώνει τις βυζάρες μου κι εγώ να τρέμω ολόκληρη απο την καύλα μου!! Τον θέλω απίστευτα πολύ αυτόν τον άντρα..... Πέταξα τα ρούχα μου και άρχισα να τον τσιμπουκώνω ...ρουφούσα τα ζουμιά του και έλιωνα!. Carla winced. "Aren't you cold in that," she said, putting the car ingear and heading back to their campsite."Not really," Paul said absent mindedly, "though my nipples are strangelysore."Carla had a hard time keeping herself from watching Paul as he rubbed hisnipples to get them to go down."What did you do today," she said to Paul to get the conversation moving."Not much really," he said to himself, his legs folding over themselvesin a very feminine way. "Though I must have dozed during my.
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