Lady pushed the panty down kiran’s legs, stopping them just below the knees. Kiran breathed heavy as the chill of the room touched her exposed pussy..., and made her shiver. Then there was no touch from lady’s side. Kiran waited, and waited for the hard blow to fall over her bottom. By now she had believed it was quite natural of them to be in that position. But the blow never came; instead lady opened kirans legs again, this time from back, as she scratched her way down to her clit. Kiran moaned,. I worked one of my fingers into her pussy and started to finger fuck her. Her pussy felt tight…My mouth worked down her chest and I kissed the top of her firm boobs.I pressed her backwards and her nice naked buttocks hit the desk. I pressed again and she sat down on it. Getting to my knees in front of her I stuck my tongue in her slit and licked from clit to ass and back. When I got to her pussy I shoved my tongue in as far as I could. She tasted very sweet. My Boss now stood up and moved. .”“I want to remove any doubt. But, Sir, thank you for believing in me.”“Always, Trooper,” he said before turning to his waiting wives.Inside, Diana walked up to her husband. “Why did you let her go? I thought you were going to give her the present...”“Next time, and ... we’ll let Kei invite her for a meal, and then give her the gun. I want it to come from Kei.”“Well, she did manage to buy her a dress. I have a strong suspicion that you want to see her in it, hmmm, Husband?”Jeff tensed but. We’d been shopping Laura and me. Lots of underwear, tarty, and classy, dresses, always revealing, always short, some expensive some cheap. Hairdressers, beauty salon, nails, facial, and waxing. The difference in me was amazing. I wore a black lycra mix dress. It was split down the front, almost to my belly button, and only just contained my tits. To say it was short was an understatement, it just covered my bum when I was standing, when I sat down it rode up, revealing. Diamond net hold-up.
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