And 164 Troopers spread out in three districts... 54 and a half guys patrolling a third of the state in three shifts. 18 troopers per shift ... and th...ere’s six of them standing in the corridor. That’s an awful lot of the northern tier’s road patrols waiting on me.“Karen Post?”“Shit.”One of the troopers said, “That’s a yes.”Another one said, “Miss Post. We’d like to have a little chat.”I’d like to say we met in Annalise’s room. We didn’t. We met in a rather grand conference room on the top. I think we had gotten them as wedding gifts but had never used them our entire married life. I was still trying to find my English language that had escaped me as she put a tray over my lap and sat a plate of chicken Alfredo with peas and a glass of wine on the tray. Lex slid into bed next to me, placing her identical tray on her lap. ‘Cheers to us Derrick.’ She raised her glass and we clinked to each other. Her eyes pools of liquid soul. A place where I sometimes sought to find something I was. About the size of a department store. It was divided into stores selling all kinds of toys. There was a restaurant, a bar, and a what looked like a club. Other places sold things like dildos, restraints, lingerie, and books. There was a movie theater that looked interesting. All kinds of people walked around like it was normal to have people on leashes, or to be having sex in public. He would walk around with me to different stores and tie my leash to posts set around the center for masters and. .." There is no logical reason, is there?" he interrupted. "A thing is worth exactly what a buyer and seller agree it is worth. A building can sell for millions or it can sell for one Euro. A Van Gogh painting is worth millions, while a von Wurtenberg painting is worth pennies. Whatever the buyer and seller agree on ... yes?" Okay." So you could sell your business to me for $100 million. There is no legal impediment. Even if the reason is that you wanted to sell cheaply to foil the plans of a.
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