Those who had gone before him had followed the same path, and had passed on word of their travels and their journey. What mountains and ridges to pass..., which rivers and springs to drink from, what strange growths and roots to eat, where to feel safe and sleep unhindered, as well as where to always keep one eye open and your knife in hand.He thought to himself then: 'But God provides, and always will. As long as we have faith, as long as we live our lives like we were meant to, taught to from. One of the crewmen had been inspecting the attackers' boat and came back to report it was one that had been recently stolen. Apparently these guys had been attacking boats for the cash people had. If they were not given enough, they would flip the boat and leave the people to die. So far no one had died, because this area had a lot of boat traffic.The officer on the cutter asked if I could tow the overturned hull south a few miles as they needed to get the couple to land as soon as possible.. ”“NEXT weekend,” I told her. “If it’s okay,” I added for her mom’s input.“You’re safe with Ben,” she replied.And I’m thinking a bunch of stuff, like ‘is Uncle Ben safe with Bink?’I get dropped off right before he gets home. For an overnight stay, it doesn’t take us long to get packed – couple of changes of clothes, a bathing suit. Box of foods. We’ll load up some perishables in the morning. Ada Z. has a fridge.Dinner here tonight, then showers, TV for a while. In bed. Him on his iPad, me on. My breathing is heavy with anticipation as I wait for my Master to enter the room. I can already feel that my black lace knickers are becoming moist between my legs. I hear the door shut with force and immediately my body shudders with excitement. Each footstep against the tiled floor thrills me... He comes to a stop. I can't see him due to the silk blindfold that has been pulled tight against my eyes, but I can feel his presence beside me and my pussy throbs with desire. I can feel his eyes.
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