Yeah, you fuck off as well. Hit the stairs up to the station. Gonna be sick. Gonna be sick. Which platform? Which fucking platform. Scan the departure... board with shaved eyes. Relief. Oh thank fuck. Delayed by fifteen minutes. Stop. Heart pounding, legs like jelly. Oh fuck. Calmer now. Even time to get a coffee. Heart slowing. Walk to the train. Find seat. Coffee on table. Bag on overhead luggage rack. Sit down. Stand up. Bag down. Side pocket. Yes. Quarter bottle of cognac. Stand up. Bag up.. My face was perfectly positioned at the level of his crotch so I was excited to have a front row seat as he reached down and unbuttoned his pants. Slowly he pulled the zipper down as my pulse increased. I always love this part, the actual reveal of the object of my lust. His growing package pushed out against the white cotton of his Calvins and finally burst out as he pulled the waist band down, his beautiful thick uncut cock leaping out at me. It wasn’t even completely hard and yet had to be. It seemed like all shehad done was cry since leaving the clinic.Just as promised, David moved back home the nextmorning. There was a high level of tension around thehouse, but everyone was very polite and civil just tokeep from fighting. First thing Monday morning theymade an appointment with a woman who was supposed to beone of the top marriage counselors in El Paso. Thefirst couple of sessions were very, very formal, butDr. Martin knew from the beginning, based on herexperience with hundreds. Almost ten years ago, Doctor Graham Chapel brought a beautiful golden statue back from the Amazon that was ornately detailed, including writing characters that were unheard of before in any ancient or modern language. To further complicate things, it seemed to be made from an unknown metal which meant that it had to be put through all sorts of tests before any real study could be done on it. After all these years, the anthropology department finally had complete access to itThe mixture of the.
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