I'm a little embarrassed about the size of my penis, but obliged anyway and took them off. I laid down on the massage table and she began to cover my... body with hot oil and massage me front head to toe, it felt so good that I nearly fell asleep, at least until I heard her say 'turn over please'. I slowly turned over and couldn't help but feel very conscious about the fact that my dick and balls were right there in front of her. She didn't seem to mind though and began to massage the front of. OK, lets get busy. She took of her shoes and ankle cuffs, ran the shower and stepped in as soon as the water was warm. She put her head under the rushing water and rinsed cum out of her hair, then her face, then her body. She soaped up with shower gel, washing everywhere. When her fingers touched her cunt she jumped. Her clit was sore and very sensitive. While she was touching her cunt, her mind drifted to the image of her masturbating with both hands while her master’s balls were stuffed in. She went to the bathroom. I sat and turned on the tv after five mins she came and sat next to me. She didn't talk. After about 10 mins she started to beg. Begged to fuck her. I asked what “happened to you. Did you take some thing?”. She said no and I started to lick her pussy and fingered it. She said “I have an idea how about we have sex in the drive way near the road?” I said “are you mad people will see us”. She said “ok. I will get you a drink”. She was not ok. I could tell the way she was. Too bad he didn’t think to ask for the safe word or the shutdown command. To his stupefaction he found himself tied up, probed, pegged, played with and electrocuted for three days. Rita had eventually run out of power, leaving a very sore and tired Scrotum wondering how he was going to get out of this mess. As luck would have it, another pirate called Wolf found his ship adrift. After boarding, he had a good laugh at Scrotum’s predicament, then had decided to take pictures of him all tied up.
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